Recent news
2nd IDCAR Network Conference in Austin, Texas
Anastasiya Bayok and Sebastian Schiek participated in the second conference of the Network "International Diffusion and Cooperation among Authoritarian States" (IDCAR), which took place 2-3 October…
IFSH contribution on "The Peace Potential of the Local in Violent Conflicts"
On 1 October 2015, Anna Kreikemeyer presented a paper on the topic "Between (post-)liberal, local and illiberal peace. Coping with everyday hybridity in the Fergana Valley" in the framework of the…
IFSH at the EISA 2015
Sybille Reinke de Buitrago presented a paper on „National Identities and the Logic of Appropriateness in Military Interventions“ (with H. Viehrig und A. Schneiker) and participated in the workshop…
Release: "Deter and Engage: Making the Case for Harmel 2.0 as NATO's New Strategy"
“NATO needs a new strategy towards Russia,” says Ulrich Kühn in his latest intervention for the New Perspectives journal. “The current strategy is imbalanced because it over-emphasizes power and risks…
New Publication: Deep Cuts Issue Brief on Cyber Security and Nuclear Stability
The possibility that hackers might break into nuclear command and control facilities, compromise early warning or firing systems, or even cause the launch of nuclear weapons, has become disturbingly…
Centre for Peace Studies (CPS) at IFSH
From 14-18 September 2015, seven colleagues from the Norwegian Centre for Peace Studies (CPS) at the Arctic University Tromsö ( come to visit…
First issue of "IFSH news special" published
IFSH news special is a new outreach platform of ifsh news that features particular publications and current statements by IFSH staff member. The first issue of IFSH news special presents: Symposium…
New Publication: Socio-environmental cooperation and conflict?
Christiane Fröhlich, Tobias Ide: Socio-environmental cooperation and conflict? A discursive understanding and its application to the case of Israel/Palestine. Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss., 6, 2015,…
New Publication: Gender, Conflict and Global Environmental Change
Christiane Fröhlich, Giovanna Gioli: Gender, Conflict and Global Environmental Change, Introduction to special issue of Peace Review, Vol. 27, No. 2, June, 2015. DOI: 10.1080/10402659.2015.1037609.