Recent news
New Publication: Self-Other Constructions, Difference and Threat: U.S. and Arab ‘Othering’ of Iran
Sybille Reinke de Buitrago: Self-Other Constructions, Difference and Threat: U.S. and Arab ‘Othering’ of Iran, in: Regional Insecurity After the Arab Uprisings, hrsg. von Elizabeth Monier.…
New Publication: European Civil Security Governance
Raphael Bossong and Hendrik Hegemann (eds.):
European Civil Security Governance
London: Palgrave Macmillan 2015
Workshop University of Warwick: The future of security and conflict
Hans Georg Ehrhart and Michael Brzoska partcipated in a workshop of the Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Warwick, England, on the theme "The future of security and conflict" on July 8.…
New Publication: Neuerscheinung: Seeking recognition. Palestinian state-building beyond Oslo
Margret Johannsen: Seeking recognition. Palestinian state-building beyond Oslo, Orient, Vol. 56, No. 3, July 2015, pp. 6-12.
Are Germans Free-Riding on American Security?
A recent poll by the U.S.-based Pew Research Center suggests that Germans are free-riding on the U.S. ability to defend its NATO allies. The poll comes at a critical juncture as NATO allies intensely…
New Deep Cuts Issue Brief on Conventional Arms Control in Europe
This new Deep Cuts Issue Brief by Greg Govan (retired Brigadier General of the U.S. Army) asks a number of fundamental questions in relation to the core assumption that Europe still needs conventional…
How safe is the Silk Road? Central Asia, Afghanistan and their Neighbors in View of Regional and Global Challenges - New GIGA-IFSH Roundtable Series in Hamburg
For a long time, romantic impressions of the Silk Road determined the picture of Central Asia in Western perceptions. After the dissolution of the USSR, especially after 9/11, this vision of the five…
New Deep Cuts Issue Brief on U.S.-Russian Nuclear Security Cooperation
This Issue Brief by Nickolas Roth (Harvard University) describes how the United States and Russia arrived at this point. It highlights differences in how the United States and Russia approach nuclear…
Statement on the Conclusion of the Review Conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
The 9th Review Conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)[1], which has taken place every five years since 1975, began, under a dark cloud, on 27 April 2015 at the UN Headquarters in New…
A signal to Russia: Ulrich Kühn on NATO’s exercises in northern Europe
A two-week NATO training exercise in northern Europe is now underway. Ulrich Kühn spoke with DW global about the purpose of the military drills, and their effect on relations with Russia.