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59. Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs
Vom 1. bis 4. Juli 2011 fand in Berlin die „59. Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs – European Contributions to Nuclear Disarmament and Conflict Resolution” in Berlin statt. Im …
Seminar on dual-use technology transfers
On June 16-17, IFSH organized an international conference at the representation of the city of Hamburg in Berlin, titled “Between Control and Cooperation: Dual-use, technology transfers and the…
IFAR Workingpaper 16 and 17 published
Katarzyna Kuiak, CTBT HOLD-OUT STATES - Why did „the longest sought, hardest fought prize in arms control history” still not enter into force?, WP 16.
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Christian Alwardt, Wasser…Workshop on “Arms Race in Cyberspace?”
On June 24, the Research Association for Science, Disarmament and International Security (FONAS) and the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (IFSH) organized…
Reshaping towards covered operations and extrajudicial killing
The method of Osama bin Laden’s killing confirms a development in the US counter-terrorism approach that could be called the “Obama doctrine”. This doctrine increasingly focuses on covert…Discussing Concepts of Terrorist Rationality
Eric van Um
Discussing Concepts of Terrorist Rationality: Implications for Counterterrorism Policy, in: Defence and Peace Economics 22(2), 2011, S. 161-179.
Der Nahost-Konflikt
Margret Johannsen
Der Nahost-Konflikt 3., akt. Auflage, VS Verlag, Wiesbaden 2011.
Notions of (in)security within the EU
Regina Heller
Notions of (in)security within the EU. How European policy-makers view the sources and costs of terrorism and organised crime, in: Defence and Peace Economics 22(2), 2011, S.…