
Recent news

  • American Student Group visits IFSH

    Patricia Schneider presented the IFSH to an American student group from the Lüneburg Program of the University Studies Abroad Consortium. The visit took place on the 8th of November 2011 within the…

  • Combating Piracy Week, London

    Kerstin Petretto represented the IFSH and the PiraT-project at the Combating Piracy Week in London, organized by Hanson and Wade from 18.-20. October 2011 in London. The conference brought together…

  • Conference on Piracy at Sea in Malmo

    Patricia Schneider represented the IFSH and the PiraT-project at the International Conference on Piracy at Sea (“ICOPAS 2011”) conducted by the World Maritime University together with the…

  • EU CFSP after Lisbon

    On 27 and 28 October 2011 the annual conference of WIFIS (Scientific Forum for International Security) took place in the Military Academy oft the German Armed Forces in Hamburg. The international…

  • Lecture Steven Pifer

    On 2 November Steven Pifer, director of the Arms Control Initiative at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C., will give a lecture about "Next Steps in Nuclear Arms Control". Guests are…

  • Ulrich Kühn received ‘UN Fellowship on Disarmament’

    On October 21, IFSH Researcher Ulrich Kühn was awarded a ‘UN Fellowship on Disarmament’. He accepted the award in a ceremony conducted by the UN High Representative on Disarmament Affairs, Mr. Sergio…

  • Zivil-militärisches Zusammenwirken und vernetze Sicherheit

    Hans-Georg Ehrhart

    Zivil-militärisches Zusammenwirken und vernetzte Sicherheit als Herausforderung deutscher Sicherheitspolitik: Der Fall Afghanistan, in: Zeitschrift für Außen- und…

  • MPS Seminar in Berlin

    From 13th to 15th October the seminar "German foreign policy between global commitment and national interest" took place in Berlin. The seminar is a part of the postgraduate master's program "Peace…

  • Graduation Ceremony

    On October 11th, 2011 the graduation ceremony for the graduates of the 9th Year and the matriculation ceremony for the 10th Year of "Master of Peace and Security Studies" took place at the University…

  • 10 Jahre Afghanistankrieg – was nun?

    Vor zehn Jahren begann ein großer Irrtum. Die internationale Gemeinschaft folgte den USA in einen Krieg, der im Laufe der Zeit sein Gesicht ebenso änderte wie Afghanistan selbst. Deutschland nahm mit…