Recent news
New study on arms control in Europe
The Friedrich-Eert-Foudation published a new study written by five IFSH members about "Prospects for Arms Control in Europe". The report, written by Michael Brzoska, Anne Finger, Oliver Meier,…
New study on arms control in Europe
The Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation published a new study written by five IFSH members about “Prospects for Arms Control in Europe”. The report, written by Michael Brzoska, Anne Finger, Oliver Meier, Götz…
OSCE Secretary General welcomes Track II Initiative
In a recent statement at the sidelines of the 18th OSCE Ministerial Council, the Organization's Secretary General, Ambassador Lamberto Zannier welcomed a multi-country think tank initiative for the…
Die EU und die NATO
Hans-Georg Ehrhart
Die EU und die NATO, in: Werner Weidenfeld/Wolfgang Wessels (Hrsg.), Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2011, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2012, S. 535-540.
Peace price of the Albert-Oswald-Foundation for Sadako Ogata
On December 6, Sadako Ogata, former UN High Commissioner for Refugees and Co-Chair of the Human Security Commission received the peace price of the Albert-Oswald-Foundation in the Parliament of Hessen…
Presentations on Iran and arms control in Moscow
Oliver Meier articipated in two events on nuclear arms control and non-proliferation in Moscow, organized by the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation. On 5 December, he spoke at a seminar for members of the…
Meeting with Foreign Minister Westerwelle
Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle met with a small group of Afghanistan experts on 28 November 2011. The meeting served as preparation for the International Afghanistan Conference in Bonn on 5…
Lecture on EU Police Missions
On the 29th of November Isabelle Maras gave a lecture on "The EU Police Missions: The 'European Way' to Address Policing Issues in a Post-Conflict Context" to American students enrolled in the…
A Balance of Fear: Asymmetric Threats and Tit-for-Tat Strategies in Gaza
Margret Johannsen
A Balance of Fear: Asymmetric Threats and Tit-for-Tat Strategies in Gaza, in: Journal of Palestine Studies, Jg. 41, Nr. 1 (Autumn 2011), S. 45-56.
Cooperation with East China Normal University (ECNU), Shanghai
In the framework of a cooperation agreement between the Faculty for Economics and Social Science of the University of Hamburg Michael Brzoska gave lectures at the Center for European Studies at ECNU.…