Recent news
Presentation at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research‘s ‘Civil Security’ innovation forum in Berlin
Patricia Schneider took part in the BMBF’s ‘Civil Security’ innovation forum in Berlin between 17-19 April 2012. During the ‘Maritime Security’ panel on April 19, she gave a presentation on the…
OSCE Yearbook 2011 published
The OSCE Yearbook 2011 has been published by NOMOS Verlag and can be ordered from the publisher.
For details, click here.
Subjectivity Matters. Reconsidering Russia's Relations with the West
Regina Heller: Subjectivity Matters. Reconsidering Russia's Relations with the West,
in: Roger E. Kanet/Maria R. Freire (eds.): Russia [&][nbsp]European Security, Dordrecht: Republic of Letters…
Analysis of Civil Security Systems in Europe
On March 1, 2012 the new project ‘Analysis of Civil Security Systems in Europe’ (ANVIL) commenced work. The project is funded under the European Union’s 7th Research Framework Programme for a period…
IDEAS: Successful Kick-off Workshop
On 20 March 2012, the first workshop of the Initiative for the Development of a Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian Security Community (IDEAS) took place in Berlin at the German Federal Foreign Office. IDEAS…
NATO and counterinsurgency in Afghanistan
Hans-Georg Ehrhart and Roland Kaestner NATO and counterinsurgency in Afghanistan, in: Panorama. Intercultural Journal of Interdisciplinary Ethical and Religious Studies for Responsible Research, Vol…
Seminars on tactical nuclear weapons
IFSH was the co-sponsor of two roundtables on ways to reduce the role of tactical nuclear weapons in Europe. On 5-6 March more than[nbsp] 30 diplomats, NATO officials and experts met at the Institut…
Climate change and the military
The March/April 2012 edition of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists contains a contribution by Michael Brzoska in which he analyses the discussions and planning concerning climate change of the…
Presentation about the perception of climate change
Michael Brzoska presented results of his research on the perception of climate change by armed forces in Brussels on February 28. He participated in a workshop on the topic of "Climate Change and…
IFSH-Cooperation with Security Jam
The IFSH is a partner in the "Security Jam", an online debate which will take place from March 19th-23rd 2012, bringing together thousands of participants from around the world to find concrete…