Recent news
Designing Disarmament Strategies. The Case of Hamas
Margret Johannsen, Ghassan Khatib and Anat Kurz:
Designing Disarmament Strategies. The Case of Hamas, in: Bernd W. Kubbig/Sven-Eric Fikenscher (eds.), Arms Control and Missile Proliferation in the…
Die Vereinten Nationen und der Nahost-Konflkt
Margret Johannsen and Sascha Koos:
Die Vereinten Nationen und der Nahost-Konflkt. UN-Basis-Informationen 44, Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen, Berlin, Dezember 2011
Conference on post-conflict change and cooperation models in the African Great Lakes in Brussels
Isabelle Maras participated as a discussant in the international conference "Re-think post-conflict change. Which aid models in the African Great Lakes Region? ("Repenser le changement post-conflit.…
Prospects for Arms Control in Europe
Michael Brzoska/Anne Finger/Oliver Meier/Götz Neuneck/Wolfgang Zellner
Prospects for Arms Control in Europe. Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Berlin (Study) 2011.
Maritime Expert Seminar in Helsinki
Patricia Schneider participated as discussant in the „Maritime Expert Seminar“. The seminar took place in Helsinki, Finland, 12-15 December 2011. The framework was the Multinational Experiment 7,…
New study on arms control in Europe
The Friedrich-Eert-Foudation published a new study written by five IFSH members about "Prospects for Arms Control in Europe". The report, written by Michael Brzoska, Anne Finger, Oliver Meier,…
New study on arms control in Europe
The Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation published a new study written by five IFSH members about “Prospects for Arms Control in Europe”. The report, written by Michael Brzoska, Anne Finger, Oliver Meier, Götz…
OSCE Secretary General welcomes Track II Initiative
In a recent statement at the sidelines of the 18th OSCE Ministerial Council, the Organization's Secretary General, Ambassador Lamberto Zannier welcomed a multi-country think tank initiative for the…
Die EU und die NATO
Hans-Georg Ehrhart
Die EU und die NATO, in: Werner Weidenfeld/Wolfgang Wessels (Hrsg.), Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2011, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2012, S. 535-540.