Hamburg Europe Weeks 2024: IFSH Researcher Speaks on Right-Wing Extremism
Panel discussion at Hamburg City HallAt the beginning of May, the Hamburg parliamentary faction Bündnis 90/Die Grünen invited interested citizens to a panel discussion in the Kaisersaal of Hamburg City Hall. The topic: right-wing…
„Never again“ is now: What can the demonstrations against right-wing extremism achieve?
Interview with PD Dr Martin KahlHundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets in many cities across Germany in recent days to protest against right-wing extremism. It was triggered by a report about a secret meeting of…
Joint research project NEOVEX presents successful mid-term review
The research project Patterns and Dynamics of Conspiracy Theories and Far-Right Ideologies in Times of Crisis – NEOVEX has been running since January 2022. The project team analyses the transnational…New project homepage: Conspiracy Theories and Far-Right Ideologies in Times of Crisis
The research network NEOVEX presents its new website.
The core of the website is a blog on which articles and research results from the research network will be presented.
The sub-project Diffusion…IFSH leads new project on conspiracy theories and right-wing extremist ideologies
Mobilizations on the Internet and protests on the streets have already been showing increasing overlaps and mixtures of conspiracy theories and far-right ideologies in terms of content for several…