
Frank Reininghaus is a staff officer of the German Navy and has been the military fellow at the IFSH since August 2018. After completing his first degree in aerospace engineering (German Armed Forces Univ., Munich), he progressed through various positions in German naval aviation to become the officer in charge of the flight and tactic simulator. He was Deputy Director of the Central Command for Maritime Emergencies (Federal Dept. of Transportation). This was followed by further positions, e.g. in the operational command of the Bundeswehr and in the EU mission EUFOR RD CONGO. In 2007, he graduated from the IFSH postgraduate program "Peace and Security Studies". In 2013, he was appointed professor and course director for the master degree program "Integrated Safety and Security Management" at Univ. of Bremerhaven. His courses deal with case studies on security management.

Research Profile | Current Projects

Frank Reininghaus deals with various topics in the field of security policy and security management. He has experience in the field of African security policy (focus on D.R. Congo, Somalia / Horn of Africa), critical infrastructures (focus on drinking water, here: contamination) and drones / Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with a focus on opportunities and risks of using the UAV technology. He establishes the link between civilian and military perspectives on national and international security policy, teaches on the "Peace and Security Studies" postgraduate programme and works in the editorial team of the magazine S + F (Security and Peace). Frank Reininghaus supervises master theses both on the ISSM (Bremerhaven), in the M.P.S. (Hamburg) Master’s programs, and at the German Armed Forces Command and Staff College (Hamburg).

Selected Publications