Special Section in "Critical Studies on Terrorism"

In der Zeitschrift "Critical Studies on Terrorism" ist eine Special Section zu "The 'dark' side of normative argumentation in counterterrorism" erschienen. Herausgeber der Section sind Regina Heller, Martin Kahl und Daniela Pisoiu.




Editors’ introduction: the “dark” side of normative argumentation in counterterrorism – an emerging research field

Regina Heller, Martin Kahl & Daniela Pisoiu


Tracing and understanding “bad” norm dynamics in counterterrorism: the current debates in IR research 

Regina Heller & Martin Kahl 


Representations of terrorism and the making of counterterrorism policy

Jonas Hagmann


Effective but inefficient: understanding the costs of counterterrorism

Arjun Chowdhury & Scott Fitzsimmons


Beyond norms: the incomplete de-securitisation of the Russian counterterrorism frame

Aurélie Campana

