Veröffentlichungen von Dr. Matthias Schulze


  • Schulze, Matthias. 2020.
    The State of Cyber Arms Control. An International Vulnerabilities Equities Process as the Way to go Forward?.
    S+F, Sicherheit und Frieden - Security and Peace 38 (1): 17-21. DOI: 10.5771/0175-274X-2020-1-17.


  • Schulze, Matthias, Jantje Silomon. 2024.
    Revisiting Past Cyber Security Recommendations: Lessons we Have Failed to Learn.
    In: Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, hrsg. von Martti Lehto, Mika Karjalainen, 461-468. Reading, UK: Academic Conferences International Limited. DOI: 10.34190/eccws.23.1.2311.
  • Schulze, Matthias. 2020.
    Cyber in War: Assessing the Strategic, Tactical, and Operational Utility of Military Cyber Operations.
    In: 2020 12th International Conference on Cyber Conflict, hrsg. von Taťána Jančárková, Lauri Lindström, Massimiliano Signoretti, Ihsan Tolga, Gábor Visky, 183-197. Tallinn: NATO CCDCOE Publications.
  • Schulze, Matthias, Thomas Reinhold. 2018.
    Wannacry About the Tragedy of the Commons? Game-Theory and the Failure of Global Vulnerability Disclosure.
    In: 17th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ECCWS 2018), hrsg. von Audun Jøsang, 454-463. Red Hook, NY: Curran Associates.

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