Recent news
Open discussion with politicians and members of industry about maritime security at the IFSH
After a warm welcome by IFSH director Professor Micheal Brzoska, Dr Patricia Schneider presented the PiraT project's recommendations for policy and economy. Thereafter, comments were made by Daniel…
Society for Terrorism Research Conference
Daniela Pisoiu took part in the Annual Conference of the Society for Terrorism Research, in cooperation with the University of East London on the 27th and 28th of June. In the framework of a round…
Berlin Workshop on Civil Security in Trade in Goods
On the 19th of June Patricia Schneider gave a presentation at the workshop “Zivile Sicherheit im Warenverkehr” (Civil Security in Trade in Goods) in Berlin. The topic was the conclusion of the…
American junior researchers visit the IFSH
On the 21st of June 2013 Patricia Schneider held some lectures for a group of Master and PhD-students of the Kennesaw State University, USA. The topics were an introduction into the work of the IFSH…
New publication: New publication: Piracy and Maritime Terrorism as Challenges for the Security of German Maritime Trade
Secure sea routes are the central requirement for the stability of supply chains. Incidents of piracy and terrorist attacks on international shipping lead to a need for risk minimization measures. As…
Workshop "Prospects for Russian-US Arms Control"
On May 16th, 2013 a roundtable workshop on "Prospects for Russian-US Arms Control"[nbsp]has been jointly organized in Moscow by the Center for Energy and Security Studies (CENESS), Arms Control…
New publication: The Robin Hood Narrative: Legitimizations of Somali Pirates
Patricia Schneider/Matthias Winkler (2013) : The Robin Hood Narrative: A Discussion of Empirical and Ethical Legitimizations of Somali Pirates, in: Ocean Development [&] International Law (ODIL),…
PiraT on Board of „Großherzogin Elisabeth“
On the 7th of May Dr. Patricia Schneider held a lecture in Elsfleth on board of the ship “Großherzogin Elisabeth” at the closing event of the course on Maritime Security Management of the University…