Recent news
Roundtable: Engaging Russia on tactical nuclear weapons
The Friedrich Ebert Foundation together with the Arms Control Association (ACA), the British American Security Information Council (BASIC) and the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at…
Lecture on Piracy in the International Maritime Museum Hamburg
The International Maritime Museum Hamburg held a succession of events on the topic of "Piracy − then and now" during the Long Night of Museums. Dr. Patricia Schneider gave a lecture on "Modern…
Panel Discussion at the Helmut Schmidt University on Piracy
The Helmut Schmidt University together with the German Navy held a succession of events on the topic of piracy. Dr. Patricia Schneider of the IFSH briefly led and moderated a panel discussion at HSU…
PiraT Presentation at the VfS Congress 2013 in Leipzig
Between 9-10 April the annual congress of the Association of Security Engineers took place in Leipzig, with the theme "Security Needs Constructive Solutions". Dr. Patricia Schneider gave a lecture…
IFAR² at the Carnegie International Nuclear Policy Conference
From April 8-9, Ulrich Kühn attended the 2013 Carnegie International Nuclear Policy Conference in Washington, DC for IFAR² Hamburg. The topics of nuclear disarmament, nonproliferation and civil use…
Workshop in India
The Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis (IDSA) published a report of the "IDSA -GIGA Bilateral Workshop on New Challenges and Partnerships in the Age of Multipolarity: Indian and European…
New Publication: Regional cooperation, external actors and power relationships in Central Asia
Elena Kulipanova: Regional cooperation, external actors and power relationships in Central Asia - The cases of the Asian Development Bank and the EU, Baden-Baden (Nomos) 2013.
New Publication: Evolving Approaches to Regional Security Cooperation
Shafiah F. Muhibat: Evolving Approaches to Regional Security Cooperation - A Conceptual Analysis of Cooperative Security with Illustrations of Practices in East Asia Shafiah F. Muhibat, Baden-Baden…
TERAS-INDEX extended for one year with a working package on the impact of the Arab Spring
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) approved the extension for another period of one year of the consortional project TERAS-INDEX. The additional work package will elaborate -…
Interview on "What Drives Young People to Jihad?"
What is behind the Islamicisation and radicalisation of young people in Europe? To what extent do European foreign policies and military interventions abroad play a role in this? Albrecht Metzger…