Hate and Propaganda
The spread of hate and harassment on social media has become a daily occurrence. Especially in times of crisis, however, conspiracy theories and antisemitic and racist content attract a particularly large audience online. Proponents of such theories and ideologies use crises to exacerbate societal division and polarisation as well as weaken democratic societies and their institutions. They have developed strategies to utilise social media functionalities and their potential for manipulation in order to further their goals.
How do democratically elected governments respond to these developments, what measures do they adopt in doing so? Do they offer appropriate responses to the strategic efforts of these extremist groups, or do they themselves undermine democratic and constitutional principles? Our team provides answers to these questions.
More on Hate & Propaganda
Media contributions
Hamburg Europe Weeks 2024: IFSH Researcher Speaks on Right-Wing Extremism
Panel discussion at Hamburg City HallAt the beginning of May, the Hamburg parliamentary faction Bündnis 90/Die Grünen invited interested citizens to a panel discussion in the Kaisersaal of Hamburg City Hall. The topic: right-wing extremism in Europe. The…
Books and Edited Volumes
Birsl, Ursula,
Julian Junk,
Martin Kahl,
Robert Pelzer,
Inszenieren und Mobilisieren: Rechte und islamistische Akteure digital und analog.
Opladen: Budrich. DOI: 10.3224/84742488.
Journal Articles
Marcks, Holger,
Janina Pawelz. 2020.
From Myths of Victimhood to Fantasies of Violence: How Far-Right Narratives of Imperilment Work.
Terrorism and Political Violence 34 (7): 1415-1432. DOI: 10.1080/09546553.2020.1788544. -
Fielitz, Maik,
Philip Wallmeier. 2019.
Exit als Radikalisierung: Zur Radikalität rechtsextremer Rückzugsbewegungen.
Behemoth - A Journal on Civilisation 12 (2): 49-62. DOI: 10.6094/behemoth.2019.12.2.1026.
Book Chapters
Birsl, Ursula,
Julian Junk,
Martin Kahl,
Robert Pelzer. 2022.
Einleitung: Rechte und islamistische Akteure digital und analog.
In: Inszenieren und Mobilisieren: Rechte und islamistische Akteure digital und analog, edited by Ursula Birsl, Julian Junk, Martin Kahl, Robert Pelzer, 11-32. Opladen: Budrich. DOI: 10.3224/84742488. -
Fielitz, Maik,
Martin Kahl. 2022.
Zwischen Tastatur und Straße: Post-digitale Strategien und Praktiken des identitären Rechtsextremismus und Islamismus im Vergleich.
In: Inszenieren und Mobilisieren: Rechte und islamistische Akteure digital und analog, edited by Ursula Birsl, Julian Junk, Martin Kahl, Robert Pelzer, 289-317. Opladen: Budrich. DOI: 10.3224/84742488. -
Pawelz, Janina,
Holger Marcks. 2022.
Vom Opfermythos zur Gewaltfantasie: Die Funktionsweise von rechtsextremen Bedrohungsnarrativen.
In: Inszenieren und Mobilisieren: Rechte und islamistische Akteure digital und analog, edited by Ursula Birsl, Julian Junk, Martin Kahl, Robert Pelzer, 81-108. Opladen: Budrich. DOI: 10.3224/84742488. -
Ahmed, Reem. 2021.
Agitation und Polarisierung im digitalen Raum.
In: Der Politische Islamismus als hybrider Akteur globaler Reichweite, edited by Thomas Jäger, Ralph Thiele, 178-195. Berlin: Carola Hartmann Miles Verlag. -
Albrecht, Stephen,
Maik Fielitz. 2020.
Rechtsterrorismus im digitalen Zeitalter.
In: Wissen schafft Demokratie: Schwerpunkt Rechtsterrorismus, edited by Matthias Quent, Samuel Salzborn, Axel Salheiser, 176-187. Berlin: Amadeu Antonio Stiftung. -
Fielitz, Maik. 2020.
Post-digitale Kulturen der extremen Rechten.
In: Autoritäre Formierung. Der Durchmarsch von rechts geht weiter, edited by Friedrich Burschel, 105-115. Berlin: Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung. -
Wallmeier, Philip,
Maik Fielitz. 2019.
Withdrawal as Dissident Politics.
In: Rule and Resistance Beyond the Nation State. Contestation, Escalation, Exit, edited by Felix Anderl, Christopher Daase, Nicole Deitelhoff, Victor Kempf, Jannik Pfister, Philip Wallmeier, 205-219. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield International. -
Marcks, Holger,
Janusz Biene,
Daniel Kaiser,
Christopher Daase. 2019.
Escalation through Cooperation: How Transnational Relations Affect Violent Resistance.
In: Rule and Resistance Beyond the Nation State. Contestation, Escalation, Exit, edited by Felix Anderl, Christopher Daase, Nicole Deitelhoff, Victor Kempf, Jannik Pfister, Philip Wallmeier, 179-200. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield International.
Working Papers and Policy Briefs
Albrecht, Stephen,
Martin Kahl,
Janina Pawelz. 2021.
Ressentiment und Hass in den sozialen Medien Facebook und der Fall Arnsdorf.
Research Report 007. Hamburg: IFSH. DOI: 10.25592/ifsh-research-report-007. -
Ahmed, Reem,
Maik Fielitz. 2021.
It’s not funny anymore. Far-right extremists’ use of humour.
RAN Paper. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. -
Marcks, Holger. 2020.
Take Back Control? Zur politischen Regulation der sozialen Medien.
Policy Brief 6/2020. Hamburg: IFSH. DOI: 10.25592/ifsh-policy-brief-0620. -
Pawelz, Janina. 2020.
Aux armes! Der digitale Kampf gegen Rechtsextremismus im Internet.
Policy Brief 4/2020. Hamburg: IFSH. DOI: 10.25592/ifsh-policy-brief-0420. -
Fielitz, Maik. 2020.
Don’t Feed the Right: Zum medialen Umgang mit digitalen Hasskampagnen.
Policy Brief 3/2020. Hamburg: IFSH. DOI: 10.25592/ifsh-policy-brief-0320.
Commentaries and other Publications
Ahmed, Reem,
Maik Fielitz. 2020.
A New Wave of Right-Wing Extremism.
In: The Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET), Insights
Reprinted as Based on -
Ahmed, Reem,
Maik Fielitz. 2020.
A New Wave of Right-Wing Terrorism.
In: PRIF Blog -
Ahmed, Reem,
Stephen Albrecht,
Maik Fielitz,
Julian Junk,
Martin Kahl,
Holger Marcks,
Daniel Mullis,
Matthias Quent,
Manjana Sold. 2020.
Transnationale Sicherheitsrisiken / Eine neue Welle des Rechtsterrorismus.
In: Friedensgutachten 2020, edited by Bonn International Center for Conversion, Leibniz Institut Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg (IFSH), Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden, 139-157. Bielefeld: transcript. DOI: 10.14361/9783839453810. -
Ahmed, Reem,
Maik Fielitz. 2020.
A New Wave of Right-Wing Terrorism.
In: PRIF Blog
Reprint of -
Ahmed, Reem,
Maik Fielitz. 2020.
A New Wave of Right-Wing Extremism.
In: The Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET), Insights -
Pawelz, Janina. 2020.
Why Coronavirus gives organized crime momentum to shine and flourish.
In: Urban Violence Research Network: Word on the Street -
Marcks, Holger,
Janina Pawelz. 2020.
What Makes Far-Right Rhetoric So Dangerous? Narratives of Imperilment as Justification of Violence.
In: The Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET), Insights
Reprint of Translation with minor amendments of -
Marcks, Holger,
Janina Pawelz. 2020.
What Makes Far-Right Rhetoric so Dangerous?.
In: PRIF Blog -
Marcks, Holger,
Janina Pawelz. 2020.
Der Stoff, aus dem Gewaltfantasien sind.
In: Geschichte der Gegenwart -
Marcks, Holger,
Janina Pawelz. 2020.
What Makes Far-Right Rhetoric so Dangerous?.
In: PRIF Blog
Reprinted as Translation with minor amendments of -
Marcks, Holger,
Janina Pawelz. 2020.
What Makes Far-Right Rhetoric So Dangerous? Narratives of Imperilment as Justification of Violence.
In: The Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET), Insights -
Marcks, Holger,
Janina Pawelz. 2020.
Der Stoff, aus dem Gewaltfantasien sind.
In: Geschichte der Gegenwart -
Marcks, Holger,
Janina Pawelz. 2020.
Der Stoff, aus dem Gewaltfantasien sind.
In: Geschichte der Gegenwart
Published in translation with minor amendments as Published in translation with minor amendments as -
Marcks, Holger,
Janina Pawelz. 2020.
What Makes Far-Right Rhetoric so Dangerous?.
In: PRIF Blog -
Marcks, Holger,
Janina Pawelz. 2020.
What Makes Far-Right Rhetoric So Dangerous? Narratives of Imperilment as Justification of Violence.
In: The Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET), Insights