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New Deep Cuts Working Paper on Transparency, Ambiguity, and Prospects for New International Commitments in the Nuclear Realm
Nuclear weapon states’ policies with regards to their arsenals and doctrines remain ambiguous, with transparency used mainly to support explicit and implicit threats. When a state has the apparent…Statement on the Postponement of the Meeting of the New START Bilateral Consultative Commission (BCC)
The Deep Cuts Commission and the Young Deep Cuts Commission regret the postponement of the meeting of the New START Bilateral Consultative Commission (BCC), which had been scheduled to take place in…
New OSCE Network Report: The OSCE and Central Asia
A new report by the OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions looks at the OSCE’s future options for engagement with its Central Asian participating States. It examines the opportunities…
Exchange with OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President at the IFSH Berlin Office
On 16 December, representatives from the Centre for OSCE Research (CORE) at IFSH and the OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions met with the President of the OSCE Parliamentary…
"Ask the IFSH!" - Event for interested citizens
Not only media and politicians need clarification and explanation. Many citizens also feel helpless and concerned about the war in Ukraine. For this, our event format Ask the IFSH! offers profound…
Lessons from the Past: Arms Control in Uncooperative Times
Since the end of the Cold War, arms control has often been perceived as a cooperative endeavor, particularly in Europe. Although the global arms control regime has been deteriorating for some time,…
IFSH Researcher gives Key Note Address at Open World Conference 2022
On November 10 and 11 2022, the Niels-Bohr Institute of the University of Copenhagen organized the fourth Open World Conference. Under the heading “Open Science and Global Dangers" the organizers…
Indo-Pacific Policy
Discussion round of the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea and the Helmut Schmidt University in HamburgThe government in Seoul has been keeping a close eye on international security policy developments – not just since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. For a long time now, the South Koreans have been…
Cybersecurity Workshop on Government Vulnerabilities Disclosure
Vulnerabilities in hardware and software products are a gateway for cyber criminals, and state actors should thus be interested in promoting responsible disclosure and timely remediation. However,…Mechanisms for Dialogue: A Contribution to Preventing Civil War Recurrence
Dr Argyro Kartsonaki, Dr Giuditta Fontana and Professor Stefan WolffAround 40 percent of civil wars resume within ten years after the signing of a peace agreement. This suggests that setbacks and relapses into violence are the norm when trying to resolve such…