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European energy solidarity: strengthening the EU’s crisibility
Dr. Aline BartensteinAline Bartenstein explains in her latest policy paper for the Robert Schuman Foundation the EU’s bumpy road towards institutionalizing energy solidarity. Although we might be guardedly optimistic in…
Apply now! Peace and Security Studies (M.A.) 2023/2024
Call is open until March 31, 2023.Are you interested in the connections between peace research and security policy? Would you like to learn more about strategies to prevent or reduce violent conflicts and what conclusions policy…
International Authors' Workshop in Hamburg
From 7 to 8 February, the authors' workshop of the project Germany and the Politics of Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century: Resisting Change? took place in Hamburg. The group of internationally…Guidelines for a research agenda on nuclear injustice
Roundtable in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists„Nuclear weapons are to global security what fossil fuels are to a green economy: a costly legacy of past generations thwarting justice and sustainability efforts in the long-term,“ argued IFSH…
Paris goals at risk: Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2023 published
Limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius is not realistic with current political and societal efforts. This is the conclusion of a new study by the Hamburg Cluster of Excellence "Climate,…
Major success for Hamburg's arms control research
The team of the Research and Transfer Project Arms Control and Emerging Technologies was able to convince the Federal Foreign Office with the project results following four years of project duration…
New Deep Cuts Working Paper on Transparency, Ambiguity, and Prospects for New International Commitments in the Nuclear Realm
Nuclear weapon states’ policies with regards to their arsenals and doctrines remain ambiguous, with transparency used mainly to support explicit and implicit threats. When a state has the apparent…Statement on the Postponement of the Meeting of the New START Bilateral Consultative Commission (BCC)
The Deep Cuts Commission and the Young Deep Cuts Commission regret the postponement of the meeting of the New START Bilateral Consultative Commission (BCC), which had been scheduled to take place in…
New OSCE Network Report: The OSCE and Central Asia
A new report by the OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions looks at the OSCE’s future options for engagement with its Central Asian participating States. It examines the opportunities…