Recent news
New Publication: More Responsibility for Cyberspace – But How?
Prof. Dr. Götz NeuneckPublic and international debates about security and peace in cyberspace and the potential risks of catastrophic cyber conflicts have intensified in recent years. The West has been especially keen to…
International Bundestag Scholars at IFSH
Dr. Christian AlwardtFor five months the scholars are in Germany at the invitation of the German Bundestag, finding out about the processes in parliament and in German politics. During their one-week stay in Hamburg, the…
Blog post on Greek election
Maik FielitzIn Sunday's Greek elections, the departure of the extreme right-wing party Golden Dawn was a surprise for many. While the right-wing extremists were the third strongest force in the last parliamentary…
International Workshop at the IFSH
The “Regional Peace Orders and Security Strategies in Comparison” international workshop ran from 26-28 June at the IFSH, starting with a welcoming address by Professor Ursula Schröder. The…
New Publication: How do emotions shape our interpretation?
Dr. Sybille Reinke de BuitragoHow do emotions shape our interpretation? The contribution illustrates the interpretation of political cartoons, in particular the construction of the (threatening) other, and the role that emotions…
New publication: S+F. “Politics for Peace Today: The Demise of the Liberal Paradigm?”
Final conclusions on the IFSH Work Program 2013-2018The global power shifts challenge Western liberal democracies, the validity of their normative foundations, and their legitimacy as internal and external models of order like never before.…
The UN's Role in Cyber Security: IFSH and DGVN Joint Panel Discussion
Dr. Ulrich Kühn, Dr. Holger NiemannInternet censorship, hacker attacks and trolls on social media: the Internet has long been an important factor in international security policy. In 2011, Egypt temporarily had no Internet access – an…
New Publication: British Operations Among the People and Civilian Risk
Dr. habil. Cornelius FriesendorfDebates on military intervention and small wars often include the claim that soldiers should operate among civilians in order to avoid civilian casualties and to protect civilians against third-party…
Presentation of RISK Study at EDA
Dr. Wolfgang ZellnerOn 12 June, Dr Wolfgang Zellner (IFSH) presented together with Dr Marc Finaud (GCSP) and Dr Hajo Schmidt (HSFK) the so-called RISK Study* at the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs in…
Foto exhibition and talk series "Entering the Anthropocene"
Dr. Delf RotheThe Suwalki Corridor, a 65-kilometer-wide strip of territory linking Poland with Lithuania, is considered NATO's most vulnerable choke point along its eastern flank. In the event of a conflict, a…