Recent news
New Publication: Post-Digital Cultures of the Far Right
Maik FielitzHow have digital tools and networks transformed the far right's strategies and transnational prospects? This volume presents a unique critical survey of the online and offline tactics, symbols and…
When the centre moves to the right – IFSH experts on extremism attend Hamburg symposium
PD Dr. Martin Kahl, Stephen AlbrechtThe challenges globalisation, digitalisation and migration facing our society are unsettling for many people. Some respond with isolationism, aggression and misanthropic views. The tone of political…
New Publication: The Politics of Otherness
The contribution takes up the process of othering, a particular construction of self and other in discourse and interaction. While current and past conflicts seem to show that processes of othering…
Foreign Minister Heiko Maas launches IFSH's Multi-Million Arms Control and Emerging Technologies Project at Hamburg City Hall
With video of the Minister’s speechWatch Foreign Minister Heiko Maas’ complete speech here (German).
The red carpet, a flurry of flashing cameras: It was a big day for the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy. Hamburg’s…
Recently published article on Russian think tank
In his most recent article, Alexander Graef examines the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies (RISS). The institute is often referred to as the PR branch of the Russian foreign intelligence service…
What will follow the INF Treaty? Panel at Tallinn conference 22 May 2019
On 18 May, Dr. Ulrich Kühn moderated a panel on the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty. The occasion for the panel was the annual Lennart Meri Conference—named after the former Estonian…
Talk at meeting of Baltic parliamentarians in Hamburg city hall
Established in 1991, the Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference is a forum for political dialogue between representatives from national and regional parliaments in the Baltic region. In preparation for…
IFSH security experts speak at the German Bundestag
Conventional and nuclear arms and arms control in Central and Eastern Europe were the topics of discussion in the German Bundestag in mid-May. The Subcommittee for Disarmament, Arms Control and…
IFSH wins Federal Foreign Office funding for major project – launch event with Foreign Minister Heiko Maas
The Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (IFSH) has succeeded in winning sponsorship from the Federal Foreign Office for a major project with funding worth…
New Publication: Study peace - and then what?
Since 2002, several courses of study in peace and conflict research have been created in Germany and Austria. These provide students with analytical and practical skills to qualify them for peace and…