Recent news
CSIS PONI Mid-Career Cadre
After his successful nomination, Ulrich Kühn just joined the Project on Nuclear Issues' (PONI) Mid-Career Cadre Program of the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS). The…
Lecture at the 16th Maritime Security Colloquium Rostock, October 11, 2016
At the 16th Maritime Security Colloquium Rostock, Dr. Sybille Reinke de Buitrago presented her work: „Security Political Challenges in the Maritime Space and What Follows for NATO and EU…
New Publication: Peace Report 2016
Margret Johannsen | Bruno Schoch | Max M. Mutschler | Corinna Hauswedell | Jochen Hippler (eds.). 2016. Peace Report 2016. A Selection of Texts, Wien: LIT.
New Publication: Security governance and the limits of depoliticisation: EU policies to protect critical infrastructures and prevent radicalisation
Hendrik Hegemann, Martin Kahl. 2016. Security governance and the limits of depoliticisation: EU policies to protect critical infrastructures and prevent radicalisation, Journal of International …
Conference “Flucht, Transit und Asyl” (“Flight, Transit and Asylum“), 21-23 September 2016
Dr. Sybille Reinke de Buitrago participated in the conference „Flucht, Transit und Asyl. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf ein europäisches Versprechen“ (“Flight, Transit and Asylum:…
Peace Research in Europe and Eurasia
Anna Kreikemeyer and Azamjon Isabaev organized a summer school on the topic "Peace Research in Europe and Eurasia" at Osh State University in Kyrgyzstan (11-17 September 2016). It was financed in…
ifsh news 115 (May - June 2016) published
ifsh news 115 (May - June 2016) are now available.
New Publication: Difference and Threat: Iran still a Threatening 'Other' in U.S. Security Policy Discourse
Reinke de Buitrago, Sybille. 2016. Difference and Threat: Iran still a Threatening 'Other' in U.S. Security Policy Discourse. Powision: Neue Räume für Politik. Fokus: Differenzen. No. 18, 32-35.
Deep Cuts Report in Moscow Released
On June20, 2016 IFSH Hamburg and the Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO, RAN), supported by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation’s Moscow…