Recent news
New Publications: Security Narratives in Europe - A Surprising Variety
Wolfgang Zellner (ed.): Security Narratives in Eruope. A Wide Range of Views, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2017.
CORE at Vienna Workshop on OSCE Economic and Environmental Confidence-Building
Frank Evers | Wolfgang ZellnerThe OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions conducted a second workshop on “OSCE Confidence-Building in the Economic and Environmental Dimension” at OSCE headquarters in Vienna, 10…
Conference "Islam in the Modern Secular State", September 28-29, Bishkek
At the invitation of the State Commission on Religious Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, Dr. Arne C. Seifert attended a conference on the above topic in Bishkek. The Kyrgyz organizers emphasized the…
New publication: Global Security in a Posthuman Age? IR and the Anthropocene Challenge
Delf Rothe published a chapter in the recent edited volume "Reflections on the Posthuman in International Relations: The Anthropocene, Security and Ecology“ edited by Clara Eroukhmanoff and Matt…
New Publication: Seeing like a Satellite: Remote Sensing and the Ontological Politics of Environmental Security
Delf Rothe’s peer-reviewed article „Seeing like a Satellite: Remote Sensing and the Ontological Politics of Environmental Security“ has been published in the latest issue of Security Dialogue. The…
Federal Foreign Office Conference on the Future of Conventional Arms Control
On 6-7 September 2017 in Berlin, the Federal Foreign Office and the European Leadership Network co-hosted the conference “Making Conventional Arms Control Fit for the 21st Century”, which was attended…
Workshop „The Road to the Charter of Paris“
On 4-5 September 2017, 25 members of the OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions met in Paris with historians and retired diplomats to discuss the negotiations that led to the CSCE…
New Publication: Postmodern warfare and the blurred boundaries between war and peace
Hans-Georg Ehrhart, Postmodern warfare and the blurred boundaries between war and peace, Defence and Security Analysis
Published online 14 July 2017
"Beyond Climate Migration" International workshop. April 20-21
"Beyond Climate Migration" International workshop organised by Christiane Fröhlich, Sarah Nash and Ethemcan Turhan, April 20-21.
The workshop ‘Beyond Climate Migration’ moved…
Lecture “A world in Disorder – the Current Polycrisis”
In the frame of “Hedley’s Salon”, the Acting Co-Director of the IFSH, Wolfgang Zellner, spoke on 18 July in the Café Hedley on “A world in Disorder – the Current Polycrisis”. The lively discussion…