Recent news
Lecture at University of Munich: "Cutting the ties to your native son. The impact of party system structure on electoral reform in Central Asia"
At 13.-14. February 2018, Esther Somfalvy participated at a joint workshop of the Institutes of Sociology and the Geschwister-Scholl-Institute for Political Science of the…
New Publication: “Everyday Peace” in Jabbor Rasulov, Tajikistan: Local Social Order and Possibilities for a Local Turn in Peace Building
Hojiev, Khushbakht / Anna Kreikemeyer. 2018. “Everyday Peace” in Jabbor Rasulov, Tajikistan: Local Social Order and Possibilities for a Local Turn in Peace Building. In: Interrogating Illiberal Peace…
New Publication: Researching Emotions in International Relations
Heller, Regina (2018): More Rigor to Emotions! A Comparative Qualitative Content Analysis of Anger in Russian Foreign Policy, in: Maéva Clément/Eric Sangar (Hrsg.): Researching Emotions in…
CORE discusses co-operation between the OSCE and the Council of Europe in Strasbourg
On 13 – 16 November 2017, Frank Evers and Esther Somfalvy met with high-ranking representatives of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. These meetings were conducted within the frame of a project that…
CORE provides consultancy for future OSCE Chairmanship in Bratislava
In 2017, CORE gave OSCE-related expert advice on different occasions in the context of preparations for the 2019 Slovak OSCE Chairmanship. Particularly, a brainstorming seminar on “Considering…
CORE at Vienna Workshop on "Historical Narratives"
Naida Mehmedbegovic Dreilich, Wolfgang ZellnerThe OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions conducted a second workshop on “Historical Narratives” at OSCE headquarters in Vienna on 6 November 2017. The event was part of the project…
CORE News Autumn 2017 available
CORE News Autumn 2017 is available for download.
IFSH news 121 (July - September) 2017 published
IFSH news 121 (July - September) 2017 has been published.
Download | PDFCORE Working Group “Radicalization prevention in Central Asia“ meets in Almaty
On October 24, scientists and governmental representatives from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Russia met at invitation of CORE in Almaty, Kazakhstan, to discuss the results of the project…
Workshop of the Eurasia Peace Studies Exchange Network in Tbilisi
From 23-28 October 2017, the first of three intensive workshops of the Eurasia Peace Studies Exchange Network took place at Ilia State University in Tbilisi. As planned at the Coordination meeting…