Excluded from the Table? US-Russia Talks and the Future of Ukraine
The USA and Russia are talking about the future of Ukraine on their own and are excluding both the affected country itself, Ukraine, and Europe: What challenges arise from the new, surprising…
Organizing Nuclear Policies in Europe
Amid rising tensions over Russia's actions in Ukraine, debates about Europe's nuclear security architecture have resurfaced. The historical reliance on the US extended nuclear deterrent has been…
The Fall Crisis of 2022: Why did Russia not use nuclear arms?
In the fall of 2022, parts of the U.S. government assessed that the risk of Russia using nuclear weapons in the Ukraine war had increased. However, nuclear weapons were not used. Why did Russia decide…
IFSH Joins International Research Project on the Bureaucratic Politics of Nuclear Alliance Management
The IFSH is pleased to announce its participation in a new international research initative, The Bureaucratic Politics of Nuclear Alliance Management. This two-year project, funded by the Carnegie…
Panel Discussion in Berlin: How could Germany’s security policy look like in the future?
Panel Discussion on the Occasion of the Fifth Anniversary of the Berlin Office of IFSH
On 15 October 2024, a high-profile panel discussion on the future of Germany‘s security policy took place at the…
Website for Hamburg Arms Control Project
Arms control, disarmament, and the control of emerging technologies remain key policy tasks for peace and security policies. The new website of the research and transfer project Arms Control and…
Nuclear Disarmament Summits Briefing
On 13 September, the Arms Control Association (ACA) published a report proposing a rejuvenation of the process towards a world free of nuclear weapons. Part of this initiative is the organisation of a…
Towards a European Nuclear Deterrent
What could the future of European nuclear deterrence look like? In a new forum for the journal Survival on Global Politics and Strategy, Héloïse Fayet (Institut Français des Relations…
Security in Northeast Asia: Expert meeting in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 20 September 2024
What does Russia's war against Ukraine and the West mean for security in the Eurasian region and the Northeast Asian states, which include China, Japan, Mongolia, the two Koreas and Russia? What…