Will the OSCE survive?
Learning from the past, the present, and other international organizations

Online dialogue in cooperation with the Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution (ASPR), the OSCE and the OSCE Network

The OSCE has survived many crises. However, the current war in Ukraine creates an unprecedented threat to the very existence of the organization. Does the organization have a future? Should its institutional design and activities be adapted to the preferences of participating States and their relations? What would be lost in case, for example, of a downgrading to a CSCE-style conference format?

While there are no clear-cut answers to these questions, this event brings together researchers to discuss current options (and trade-offs) in light of previous crises the CSCE/OSCE has weathered. The panelists also draw lessons for the OSCE from other international organizations that have faced severe crises. Finally, the event offers an opportunity to discuss how the current crisis might affect future security in the OSCE area.


Opening   Moritz Ehrmann ASPR / Cornelius Friesendorf CORE/IFSH
Moderator   Argyro Kartsonaki CORE/IFSH

Jelena Cupać WZB Berlin
Steffen Eckhard Zeppelin University
Mette Eilstrupp-Sangiovanni Cambridge University
William Hill Wilson Center
Vytautas Jankauskas Zeppelin University
Andrei Zagorski IMEMO

Please kindly register for the event via this link! The link to the Zoom meeting will be provided before the event.

Special thanks go to the Austrian MFA/the Permanent Mission of Austria to the OSCE for supporting this online project.