Climate Change and Conflict
Catastrophic flooding, crop failure, water scarcity: The effects of climate change have become a threat to all people, not only those in the Global South. At the IFSH, Dr Delf Rothe and his team study the security policy implications of climate change, such as: How do the consequences of global warming affect security and peace worldwide? How and with what methods is knowledge about future environmental risks produced and disseminated? The team deals with these questions as well as with practises of resilience promotion and the dangers of a technology-driven securitisation of environmental problems.
IFSH Press Release: COP26 Outcomes Inadequate from a Peace Policy Standpoint
This past weekend, the UN Climate Change Conference COP26 in Glasgow came to an end after two weeks of intensive debate. Peace researcher Dr Delf Rothe, who studies connections between climate change and security,…
More on Climate Change and Conflict
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The Link between Climate Change and Security: A Discussion on the Open Sea
How is climate change connected to peace and security, and what role do islands and island nations play in this dynamic? Dr Delf Rothe discussed these questions with guests at the community centre of the protestant St.…
Armed forces in the age of global environmental change
PhD Fellow Anselm Vogler published a new contribution in the New Security Beat blog. The blog entry outlines his recently published literature review on ecologically relevant military activities. This review article…
Students from the US visit IFSH
IFSH researcher Dr Delf Rothe spoke with students from the Northwestern University about the interrelations between climate change and security.What measures is Germany taking to combat climate change? How is the issue being researched at German universities and how do climate activist’ campaigns work? In mid-September, students from Hamburg’s twin city Chicago…
Blog article: Climate Change and National Security Strategies
This summer, which was globally as hot as no summer before, made many people immediately feel the impacts that the climate has on their safety. Additionally, military conflict results in ecological disasters such as the…
Tracking Climate Securitization: Framings of Climate Security by Civil and Defense Ministries
Anselm VoglerDefense ministries regularly refer to climate security in their strategy documents. Recently, “civil” ministries also begun mentioning climate security. However, they do not mean the same thing. In this peer-reviewed…
Event Announcement: The Politics of Digital Humanitarianism
Humanitarian actors increasingly rely on digital technologies such as satellite remote sensing, drones and Artificial Intelligence in the governance of international crises. NGOs such as the Red Cross harness such…
More credibility in climate security efforts - a blog post
Prof. Dr. Michael Brzoska, Dr. Nora Judith Hardt and Alina ViehoffEven after Germany's membership in the United Nations Security Council, the German government should strive to keep the issue of climate change on the international agenda. Judith Nora Hardt, Michael Brzoska and Alina…
IFSH Scientist wins John Urry Memorial Prize
Dr. Delf RotheThe article "From Climate Migration to Anthropocene Mobilities: Shifting the Debate" by IFSH-member Delf Rothe and his co-authors Christiane Fröhlich (German Insitute of Global and Area Studies Hamburg) and Andrew…
Books and Edited Volumes
Methmann, Chris,
Delf Rothe,
Benjamin Stephan,
Interpretive approaches to global climate governance. (De)constructing the greenhouse.
London: Routledge. -
Scheffran, Jürgen,
Michael Brzoska,
Hans Günter Brauch,
Peter Michael Link,
Janpeter Schilling,
Climate Change, Human Security and Violent Conflict – Challenges for Societal Stability.
Heidelberg: Springer Publishers. -
Brzoska, Michael,
Peter Michael Link,
Achim Maas,
Jürgen Scheffran,
Themenschwerpunkt: Geoengineering: Ein Problem für Frieden und Sicherheit?.
S+F, Sicherheit und Frieden - Security and Peace 30 (4). Baden-Baden: Nomos. -
Brzoska, Michael,
Martin Kalinowski,
Volker Matthies,
Berthold Meyer,
Klimawandel und Konflikte. Versicherheitlichung versus präventive Friedenspolitik?.
AFK-Friedensschriften 37. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag.
Journal Articles
Rothe, Delf. 2016.
Energy for the masses? Exploring the political logics behind the Desertec vision.
Journal of International Relations and Development 19 (3): 392–419. DOI: 10.1057/jird.2014.17. -
Buhaug, Halvard,
Jonas Nordkvelle,
Thomas Bernauer,
Tobias Böhmelt,
Michael Brzoska,
Joshua W. Busby,
Antonio Ciccone,
Hanne Fjelde,
Erik Gartzke,
Nils Petter Gleditsch,
Jack A. Goldstone,
Håvard Hegre,
Helge Holtermann,
Vally Koubi,
Jasmin S. A. Link,
Peter Michael Link,
Päivi Lujala,
John O′Loughlin,
Clionadh Raleigh,
Jürgen Scheffran,
Janpeter Schilling,
Tara Carter Smith,
Ole Magnus Theisen,
Richard S. J. Tol,
Henrik Urdal,
Nina von Uexkull. 2014.
One effect to rule them all? A comment on climate and conflict.
Climate Change 127 (3-4): 391-397. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-014-1266-1. -
Baldwin, Andrew,
Chris Methmann,
Delf Rothe. 2014.
Securitizing ‘Climate Refugees’: the Futurology of Climate-Induced Migration.
Critical Studies on Security 2 (2): 121-130. DOI: 10.1080/21624887.2014.943570. -
Methmann, Chris,
Delf Rothe. 2014.
Tracing the Spectre that Haunts Europe: the Visual Construction of Climate-Induced Migration in the MENA Region.
Critical Studies on Security 2 (2): 162-179. DOI: 10.1080/21624887.2014.909226. -
Brzoska, Michael,
Peter Michael Link,
Achim Maas,
Götz Neuneck,
Jürgen Scheffran. 2013.
Possible implications of climate engineering for peace and security.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 94 (2): ES13-ES16. -
Brzoska, Michael. 2012.
Climate Change and the military in China, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 68 (1): 43-54. -
Brauch, Hans Günter,
Michael Brzoska,
Jasmin Kominek,
Peter Michael Link,
Jürgen Scheffran,
Janpeter Schilling. 2012.
Disentangling the Climate-conflict Nexus: Empirical and Theoretical Assessments of Vulnerabilities and Pathways.
Review of European Studies 4 (5): 1-13. -
Fröhlich, Christiane. 2012.
Water: Reason for Conflict or Catalyst for Peace? The Case of the Middle East.
L'Europe en Formation 3: 139-161.
Book Chapters
Fröhlich, Christiane. 2014.
Wasser – Konfliktstoff oder Kooperationsgrund? Der Fall des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens.
In: Wettstreit um Ressourcen. Konflikte um Klima, Wasser und Boden, edited by Ulrich Schneckener, Arnulf von Scheliha, Andreas Lienkamp, Britta Klagge, 181-207. München: oekom. -
Brzoska, Michael. 2013.
Ressourcen als Konfliktursache. Knappheit und Überfluss.
In: Wettstreit um Ressourcen, Konflikte um Klima, Wasser und Boden, edited by Ulrich Schneckener, Arnulf von Scheliha, Andreas Lienkamp, Britta Klagge, 31-48. München: Oekom Verlag.
Updated version published as -
Brzoska, Michael. 2014.
Kein Krieg um Wasser.
Zur Sache BW 22 (2): 8-15.